Fashion Industry is All Set to Take Up a New Trend
The fashion industry has gone a long way because of technological advancement. In the past, trends were all about the end results. Today, everything is about the trend in producing such results. When it comes to fashion, design matters for consumers. They don’t care how a design is made. People only care about the end results.
However, trend setting also extends to the way a design is made. Gone are the days when fashion designers used to rely on a manual sewing machine. Nowadays, almost every famous fashion designer has his own heavy duty sewing machine. Designs are no longer products of manual art. Instead, art is produced by technological sophistication.
Virtual Search
Some online fashion retailers are now considering the use of new technology called virtual search. This comes in the form of an app that will enable users to search similar fashion items they are looking for using size, color, and shape instead of using just keywords. Nowadays, more and more designers would like to incorporate this type of search engine optimization in their creative endeavor.
This doesn’t mean visual search will kill the creativity of fashion designers. As a matter of fact, it further enhances their creativity by being aware of what many users will be looking for. However, it seems that search users are now contributing to set a trend by influencing the attitude of many fashion entrepreneurs towards designing a dress according to search queries.
Digital Assistant
Fashion designers may no longer be helpless in setting a trend. Today, there exist apps that can help them suggest to online visitors about what style may be perfect for them. Fashion designers won’t need to determine what fits a particular customer. With the digital assistant, something new may take place in an instant. If thousands of users would visit an online fashion retail shop at the same time, imagine what this app can do to set a trend across every platform.
The only downside is that this kind of app may offer a particular design that is beyond the paradigm of a fashion designer, yet this can determine the preferences of customers. When users visit an online fashion retailer, digital assistant will recommend what to wear based on their calendar. This means that data will be used to fit user’s preferences. Somehow, digital assistant will also serve as a digital consultant.
Visual Fitting Room
The common problem fashion retailers face is when delivered items won’t fit the person who ordered the item. With visual fitting room, an item is determined if it fits a user before shipping takes place. This will reduce the instances of product returns. The goal of this technology is to perfectly determine the exact size of the item based on the exact size of the body of the person who will wear the item.
However, visual fitting room would require users to have 3D scanners. When visitors make their online purchases, they will have to scan their body using a 3D scanner. The data can be uploaded to the retailer’s visual fitting room platform. When the file is processed, an item in the inventory that matches the data will be chosen for that particular purchase.
The fashion industry continuous to set new trends as new technology continues to develop. The above innovations are unpopular now but will surely become factors in fashion trends soon. Nevertheless, art will still play a major role in fashion design today and in the future, despite the influence of science and technology.
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