The Sunset Look Makeup Tutorial [VIDEO]

Ever thought of a very striking makeup, a makeup that would leave heads turning, a makeup that would make people get to know you and identify with you? Well, here’s the truth; a very colourful eye make up can be very striking, a sunset look precisely. A sunset look can be very nice. However it is quite hard to achieve. This is not meant to scare you though, as you can always achieve that which you wish to achieve, only if you put your mind to it. Starting from having a clean surface to putting a primer on your eyelids, a base on your eyelid, taking the orange and stretching it across the third section of your eye, blending all the colors together, and so on. It’s actually not meant to scare you. It’s only a reminder that there are various processes involved. Well, in order not to get you confused, there should be a list of all you need to achieve the sunset look.

Obviously, these materials are not alien to you. Not at all. Therefore, the materials needed to achieve this are as follows;

  • Eye primer
  • Jumbo Pencil in Milk (optional)
  • Brow gel (optional)
  • White eyeshadow
  • Orange eyeshadow
  • Yellow eyeshadow
  • Eyeliner or black eyeshadow
  • Mascara
  • Make up brushes

This video tutorial by beauty vlogger of JustBrittanyH will guide you;

Source: JustBrittanyH

You definitely would love to be admired as that stylish lady you have always been. Therefore, key into something very different from what everyone has always known about you by trying out this lovely makeup simply known as the sunset look. Remember, it’s a bit tedious, but with hard work, you can achieve it!

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