A Makeup Tutorial You Should Definitely Watch If You Wear Glasses

Shout-out to those who love their corrective lenses and their eye shadow palettes.

Beauty tutorials are big on YouTube — a search for "makeup tutorial" and "hair tutorial" yields more than five million videos. In this weekly series, we put a mix of popular and under-the-radar tutorials to the test and show you what's best.

Newsflash: Wearing makeup and glasses do not have to be mutually exclusive acts. Groundbreaking! Glasses-wearing makeup guru Sichen, the beauty vlogger behind the Sichenmakeupholic YouTube channel, created a tutorialspecifically tailored to those who specs. (Side note: How Emrata/Kendall are her frames? Chic.)

In the video, Sichen focuses on playing up her eyes by strategically applying a variety of powder shadows and pencil eyeliner. She also does a bit of highlighting and contouring (this is a YouTube makeup tutorial, after all) and uses a really cool technique to get a natural looking flush on her lips. 

Watch the full video below to crib her tips:

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