16 To-Die-For Skull Makeup Looks for Halloween

Halloween is nothing more than one big competition to see who can come up with the most clever and most creative idea. This time of the year, everyone is searching for the most obscure Disney character or the most random meme to turn into a costume and wow their friends with. But, if you’re someone who doesn’t like to spend much on a costume but still wants to give Halloween 100%, it’s good to stick with the Halloween classic: skeletons. These things are spooky, fun, and honestly never get old, especially if you figure out new ways to do them.

If you aren’t afraid of a little face paint and you love getting creative, this year you can just focus on your makeup look. When you have the right creepy skull makeup, it doesn’t matter what else you’re wearing.

Even if you’re not so great with a makeup brush, there are tons of tutorials out there, so you’re bound to find one that suits your beauty skill level. For the most part, you’ll just need some white and black makeup or face paint and something to apply it with, like a sponge applicator or brushes. You can add in optional extras, like UV face paint or some fake blood if you want to get really creative, but these definitely aren’t vital.

Below are some of the most stunning skull makeup looks I’ve seen on Internet — each is totally gorgeous and totally terrifying. Check them out and choose how you will scare (impress) everyone this Halloween.

So, which one from the above Skull Makeup Looks for Halloween you like the best? Tell me in the comments and do not hesitate to copy some of them. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Lookingwowsome to find many other Halloween makeup ideas that you can get inspired from.

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